I am reminded of a fable that highlights how we often misalign our priorities -- I'll put it into my...
You can be right, or you can have friends -- it's difficult to do both. Many times, we are so...
The more mature I get, the more I am aware my communication can be very straightforward, and at times, possibly...
We get obsessed with counting everything we can, whether it’s actually helpful or not. How old are you? How long...
Critics — take caution and make sure they don’t get too much of your head space and energy. Don’t we...
We all have them. You unlock your iPhone and it starts one. You pull up to a specific intersection and...
It’s the pace. It’s the breeze. It’s the awareness. Walking seems to be the pace of the spiritual life. When...
“Until the mind is freed from the multitudes of thoughts, and has achieved the single simplicity of purity, it cannot...