Time Is Life

Time Is Life

“Time is not money, despite the common aphorism. Time is life itself!” — Richard Rohr

Time is the leveling resource — we all have the same amount of it every day.

Time is valuable, yet there are so many of us that don’t respect it when it comes to taking it from others.

I don’t care how much someone makes per hour, their time is still valuable.  Even minimum wage hourly workers should value their time — after all, if your earning potential is only minimum wage, in some regards, your time is even more valuable than the expensive attorney who bills north of $1,000 per hour.

When we step outside of ourselves, and we step outside into Creation, time slows down.  We get to experience more of the fullness of Nature and how we are all connected beings. 

Let’s respect each other’s time, and spend quality time together encouraging each other in love.  We can all use more of that intentional kind of time — it’s far more valuable than money.


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