Vulnerable Intimacy

Vulnerable Intimacy

“Intimacy is not just a well-kept secret of the soul, not just a mystery that defies logic, not just a poverty that we avoid; I believe vulnerable intimacy is the entrance into and the lynchpin between all human and divine love.” — Richard Rohr

There’s a divine and sacred dance that awaits all of us, yet eludes many of us.

We might need to let go of our ideas of love so we can more fully experience love.

It might be we need to get quiet and pause, reflect, and contemplate what constructs we’ve put around something so pure, so holy, and so infinite, that we are surely limiting its effects because of our self-imposed restrictions.

Possibly, we might need to leap over the threshold to being us, to fully receiving from The Source, and to being the best lover we can be.  It’s not a race, it’s not a popularity contest, it’s not a tit for tat, it’s not quantified, it’s not definable, it’s not contained in the literary realm, the sciences, or the arts.

Possibly, that divine and sacred dance partner has had open arms all this time.

Jump across the threshold into the arms of Our Creator — the divine unity is where divine intimacy begins.


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