Mastery & Enthusiasm

Mastery & Enthusiasm

It might be one of the most difficult and elusive combinations to achieve — mastery and enthusiasm in any given context.

One might master the art and science of investing — but do they continue to have enthusiasm for what they’re doing?

One might thoroughly enjoy playing the guitar, but are they a master with enthusiasm?  Probably not.

We have to strive toward excellence in all we do — make our yes really mean something — make our commitment really count so our efforts make a lasting impact.

Yet we can’t let the striving towards excellence, and all of the hard work, effort, and exorbitant amounts of time it takes, chain us down so we no longer feel the joys, excitement, and enthusiasm we had when we began this journey towards excellence.

Let’s keep the balance as we continue to achieve greater understanding, nuances, and complexities of our craft we’re mastering, yet let’s also smile and laugh while we’re doing it.  If we don’t, we might need to go back to the beginning of the journey.


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