Modern Prophets

Modern Prophets

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. — John 16:13

The world needs modern prophets.  I suspect most who have the gift of prophesy are shunned by the outside world — the prophet’s inside world dominates their lives, yet the outside world crushes their confidence to be bold and courageous. 

Speaking up for the prophet often means being ostracized, and in today’s marketplace, the prophet has most likely taken a back seat for many other squeaky wheels that clammer for attention.

If you see things through Your Creator’s eyes — if you are able to frame everything in a grander context, the Kingdom’s perspective, then you might have some gifts of prophesy. 

Don’t be afraid to speak up when you feel that inner conviction — when you know your gut or intuition is telling you one thing and the world seems to be going the other way — that’s okay — that’s the Creator’s voice telling you how to be a modern prophet.

The world desperately needs your voice — speak up so we can all listen.


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