Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

“We’ve come to understand the importance of practice in sports, in most therapies, in any successful business, and in creative endeavors, but for some reason most of us do not see the need for it in the world of spirituality. Yet it’s probably more important there than in any other area.”  — Richard Rohr 

Disciplines and practices are not always going to win the popularity contests — and if they are, it’s often the formulaic type that appears to be the one-size-fits-all, magic bullet, approach found in the latest fad.

To me, just like any other relationship in our lives, the relationship we have with Our Creator requires consistent effort and practices too.  For any of us that are married or in long-term relationships, think back to how you communicated with your partner when you first met them and how you’ve had to adapt and hopefully, improve, to keep things on track and moving toward continual improvement.  So why do we not pay more attention to spiritual practices that will move us toward a closer relationship with The Source of Life?

We need to routinely show up to receive — we have to make room in order for even greater things to come.

Just like in most practices like working out or perfecting the swing — you’ll have days where you feel energized and progressive, but you’ll also have setback days where nothing seemed to click.  That’s okay — Our God is patient, kind, and always available. 

Just show up and be ready to see, eager to hear, and bold enough to step out in faith with what you have received — there truly is nothing that compares to The Love from The Source.


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