Designing Your Life

Designing Your Life

"Beware of looking for goals: look for a way of life. Decide how you want to live and then see what you can do to make a living within that way of life." — Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter S. Thompson is not the first person to come to mind as someone that could inspire lifestyle design, but this concept here is spot-on.

Too many times we get caught up in the details of how we will do things, we forget to step back and ask ourselves more applicable questions:

What types of activities do I enjoy?  What pace of life do I prefer?  What environmental factors make me feel the best?

When we get clear on some of the intentions we have in life, we will crystalize our vocation — what matters to us and how we will make an impact — our calling, if you will.

Lifestyle design doesn’t have to be some nebulous idea — it can be practical and integrated successfully with the right intentional effort.

Let’s take the time to contemplate how we can better design our life so we are more fulfilled, and those around us are too.


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