Crossing The Threshold

Crossing The Threshold

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” — Joseph Campbell

We often struggle with letting go of our fear and taking the necessary steps toward growth.

Much of life hinges on the pivotal moments when we’re in liminal space — will we take the leap of faith or stay in our comfort zone?

I’m sure we all have thoughts about some of the steps we did not take in life — but don’t let that get you hung up.  Let’s move on and look for the next best step to take.

Continual growth in life often comes from continual seeking, being okay with saying you don’t know, and exploring what is on the other side of the threshold.  Don’t let fear hold you back — life is better when the light of the new makes you well up with tears.

You never know what you’re missing unless you take those steps to the other side of the unknown.


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