Contribute to Community

Contribute to Community

"Greed is wanting the benefits of community without contributing to it." — James Clear

Look, relationships aren’t easy — we’re all a bit messed up and twisted.

But here’s what we all want — to feel heard, to feel respected and loved, and to feel like we are a part of something bigger than ourselves.

In some way, shape, or form, we are all part of a community.  But that doesn’t mean we all contribute in meaningful ways to our community.

So many communities can have spectators — or worse yet, leeches. 

Many of us are aware of the 80/20 rule in life and community — 80% of the contribution comes from 20% of the contributors.  But if we’re honest where we fall on that spectrum, it doesn’t have to continue to stay that way.

Some of us hard-chargers need to actually cut back on our level of contribution so we make room for other contributors to feel heard and known.  Others of us need to follow that urge to step up and proactively lead in our contributions.  Or possibly, you’re in a position where you’ve been fed for so long by the community that it’s time for you to give back and be generative to the future of the community.

Wherever you are in whatever community you find yourself — aim to be a contributor first and foremost.  Using your gifts in your community will inevitably be the light your community needs to reflect The Divine we all so desperately need to see.


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