“We are all artists of the Kingdom, and the world needs to see such extravagant beauty in us, or else we are not the Bride of Christ.” — Makoto Fujimura
As much as I don’t want to admit it, I typically do not look within the Church for inspiration as an artist.
Somehow, many of us as Christian artists have fallen into this trap of the narrow path when it comes to creativity — that’s not the narrow path Jesus was referring to.
Our Creator desperately wants to co-create with us — to lead us in His New Creation.
The Church, the beautiful and lovely bride, should reflect The Divine. If it doesn’t, it’s up to the artists and creators to lead the way toward the New.
Be content in your relationship to The Source of Life, but don’t be content with the status quo.
As an artist, we are called to more — to awaken the perspective of The Spirit in the world around us. We should receive from The Source and give and create through the unending river of life that wells within us.
Our resources and talents are not limited or finite. Our well of inspiration is The Artist — the One who keeps us united in love and in many cases, uses the creative gifts that we lay at His altar to awaken the New in all of us.