

Amphibians need both air and water.

We need two worlds as well: the natural and the supernatural.

The battle for which world wins is in our hearts.  How we go about living our lives and loving those around us matters.  We need the supernatural power of the Source of Life while also going out and emptying our tanks as we love those around us.

The balance can be difficult to master, which is why we need complete surrender to The Creator in order to truly create relationships that matter.

I know I am guilty far too often of feeling drained by people I try to invest in, only to realize that I should not put any expectation on them to fulfill anything in me.  I have to choose my own energy source, and that means spending quality time with my Creator.

I’m sure one day I’ll look back and see how easy it is to actually be in the Flow of Life, navigating the seas of life with the direction of The True Navigator.

I guess we’re all a bit amphibious.


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