Absolute Gratitude

Absolute Gratitude

Gratitude is not separable from the condition of our soul.  If anything, gratitude represents our True North — the direction our soul is heading.

We must recognize the gifts all around us — every breath we take is a gift from Our Creator.  Gratitude is a practice, a spiritual discipline, which helps shape us from the inside out. 

I am convinced that if we do not practice gratitude, we will start to complain about things around us, or feel entitled to certain outcomes we were never promised.  It’s a slippery slope that is greased by our egos and pride.

Once we start becoming more grateful, we start to become more aware of Our Creator.  We awaken to the reality that nothing was ever promised to us this side of Heaven.  Our lives were not destined to be easy, if anything, we are assured there will be struggles.

But even in death, we can be grateful.  For death brings about New Life.  Death has no sting, because ultimately, death is the final refiner’s fire we must go through in order to become the bright light of Christ in us.

Let’s dance in the joy of the bright light  through us, and all around us.


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